I am pretty amazing, I must say, and so are all my friends. So i want to start a web series here and hopefully make people happy with it! I have high self confidence and I have high confidence in others because I think everyone is amazing!that was cheesy.


I live in a house

Joined on 3/1/18

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GFoxFlame's News

Posted by GFoxFlame - March 20th, 2018

I noticed in my new school there is a lot of diversity and people get picked on for it. I want to still make that web series, but lines are taking a while to come in, so on my free time not writing animating or voicing I want to make a abstractly animated cartoon about stopping bullying and that kind of stuff! Its called Its AbstrACTs! And the first project coming from it is just starting to be shaped, it might not come for a while because I want to work really hard on it and im doing it all by myself. Anywho ,I hope you have a lovelyful day! -Jei (o look, a name :O)

Posted by GFoxFlame - March 1st, 2018

Hello, I am GFoxFlame, but you can call me "G". (that sounded so cheesy :P) I joined to create what i want to create, I honestly have no care what other people think of me, so I voice my opinion as what my opinion is, if i like something I wont hide it because people wont like me for it (thats why I have no real friends) I want to start a web series with my friends some time in the future, but I just moved into a new house and I don't have any friends to start it with, and I only have acsess to a few of my old friends (plus, only one would be interested). I like drawing, I write lyrics some times but usually they don't get finished because im bad at writing songs, I rather write stories or fanfiction. So thats a little about me I guess, I start school again soon so don't expect much from me right away (if any1 is even reading this). Hope any1 who actually read through this has a good day, and the people who didn't read it!